Doom bandet Wizdoom ger sig ut på vägarna för första gången och bjuder in till
några tunga kvällar i vår med sin ”Intro to Trolldoom Tour”. Med en mix av episk
doom och en touch av blues, inspirerat av onda väsen i de djupa skogarna. Blir det
en kväll som startar tungt men blir bara tyngre och tyngre!
Wizdoom startades sent 2022 och debuterade 2023 med EPn ’Trolldoom’ och
bildades av Chris Davidsson
Live, ex
Captain Crimson
”The presence of the immortal Hammond organ is always a real treat anyway and
an indispensable part of WIZDOOM’s characteristic sound. This is old school doom
metal that will sweep you away with an incredibly awesome groove and thrill you
with its unique atmosphere.” –
”In any case, quite a few bands would sell their souls to the devil to come up with
an opener like ”Doomed Fleet”.” – Thor Joakimsson
Musik video ’Doomed Fleet’:
Musik video ’Way Of The Lost’:
Live version of ’The Half Living Realm’:
Loch Vostok
Born in the year 2000 out of necessity to create music that did not exist at the time. Refusing to stagnate. Unwilling to die. Combining raw beauty with complexity and finesse. Sometimes uncomfortable, but never boring. Harsh and soaring multi layered vocals. Pounding, complex and punishing rhythms. Shredalicious solos. Fat choruses and poisonous hooks.
New album: Opus Ferox II – Mark of the Beast to be released April 19
The second part of the Opus Ferox saga brings you the same level of intricate modern progressive metal, a dynamic musical orgy in chaos and order. Cheese and chug combo platter.
Among the members of Loch Vostok you will find musicians from a great number of active (and countless inactive) bands. Ranging from F.K.Ü, One Hour Hell and Farsoth, to The Murder of My Sweet, Sodomisery and Anima Morte (and many more).
Mer info
Motala, 591 30 Sweden